Friday, 26 December 2014

Believe in a friendly Universe

Believe in a friendly universe
In the words of Albert Einstein, “One of the most profound decisions you can make in life is whether you believe in a friendly or a hostile universe.”
Whatever you believe in becomes your perceptual universe, because the fundamental nature of life is to create coherence between what you believe and what you experience. If you believe in a hostile universe then life becomes extremely arduous. What kind of a life would you be living, in which your best friend would be perceived as your enemy?
No matter what he did, even with the best of intent, you would be wary, always in doubt, trapped in the feelings of insecurity and hostility. You would lose out on a well-wishing precious resource that could have made your life beautiful.
Believing that the universe is friendly will put you at ease. You will feel safe and supported. When you feel at ease, you will live a simple life. There will not be any need for complex trade-offs and transactions, because you will be blessed with the ability to feel at home wherever you are, and joy will be an everyday phenomenon in your life.
Life is difficult for those who choose the complexities of their mind, live in fear, and believe in a hostile environment.
Life is easy for those who choose the simplicity of their hearts, live in love for themselves, and believe in a friendly universe.
It is always up to you to choose which route you wish to take. Whatever route you choose to take, the universe will always support you. You can either have what you want, or live with the reasons why you cannot get what you want. You cannot have both. If you choose to stay with what you want, without doubting that it will be given to you, then you will receive. But if you are more focused on why what you want cannot come to you, then that is what will come to you. Your mind will amplify all these reasons and make them your perceived reality.
In the end, you decide where your life will go. For you are the only captain of your own ship.
--- By Sanjiv Ranjan in Life Positive (Magazine)

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The Politician and the Priest

The Politician and the Priest

When you are unhappy you start thinking, 'Maybe this life is wasted, maybe I could not manage this life, but if I can manage the next one, the coming one, that is more than enough to ask.' You go to the priest. The priest promises you good in the other life. The politician promises something good in the future in this life, and the priest promises you something good in the other life beyond death. Both go on promising. Promises are needed by miserable people. If you are happy, you will not go to the politician and you will not go to the priest. For what? You are already happy, you are already in paradise. Then the whole profession of the priest and the politician disappears.

These are the exploiters. These are the people who are sitting on your heart and blocking your energies. They can remain in power only if you are miserable. Remember it. By being miserable you are helping a gang of exploiters. Be happy and you bring the greatest revolution in the world.

Priests and politicians create guilt in you. They do the harm and then they make you feel guilty. They destroy your capacity to live, to love, to delight, and then they throw the responsibility on you -- 'It is your sin, it is your wrong-doing that has made you so miserable.' 

A happy person is beyond being oppressed, exploited, because a happy person needs no promises. A happy person is already happy so he is not worried about paradise or after-life. That is all nonsense. A happy person is not worried about tomorrow; the morrow takes care of itself.

Become like a lily, a flower, unconcerned about the future, unconcerned about the past. The past is no more and the future is not yet. Only the present is there. Bloom in it, be happy in it, rejoice in it, celebrate in it, and you bring a great revolution in the world.


Thursday, 11 December 2014


On Hatred

Reflect on this. A teacher asked students to bring few potatoes in the school bag. Next day, each student brought few potatoes in their school bag.  Teacher asked the students to give each potato the name of a person they hate. They were also told to carry the potatoes for one week wherever they went.  After few days, the potatoes started smelling, and soon the stink became unbearable.

Then teacher asked, “What is the moral of this experiment?” Each one said something, and finally the teacher said, “This is exactly the situation in life when you carry your hatred inside your mind and heart for long.” Just as, rotten potatoes spoiled your school bag and the atmosphere, your hatred will spoil your mind and heart. Learn to drop your hatred as soon as possible.

Your life, so often, is spoilt due your differences with others. Differences with others need not end up as hatred. Differences are just differences, but the moment the mind gives them a name tag of hatred mind and heart gets polluted. No one can avoid differences, but one has to be alert not to give the name tag and wrap those differences with dislike and hatred. This requires psychological alertness. But to expect one not to have differences at work and home is truly being foolish. One should drop this foolishness by wise thinking and take practical steps to overcome the negative attitude.

By Swamy Sukhbodhananda

Friday, 5 December 2014

Don't be afraid of You

Don't be afraid of You

Go anywhere you want to go
Do anything you want to do
Succeed or fail, win or lose
Just don't be afraid of you

Enlist in causes, protest with masses
Take sides and follow through
Engage the enemy within
Don't be afraid of you

All you've got is who you are
Be true to what you feel
Let nothing or nobody try
To tell you what is real

Show up, stand up, shout and sing
Clap hands, stomp feet and yell
Make known your stance to everyone
Don't like it? Go to hell!

Don't be afraid of you

Go anywhere you want to go
Do anything you want to do
Succeed or fail, win or lose
Just don't be afraid of you 

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Why do we depend? Psychologically, inwardly, we depend on a belief, on a system, on a philosophy; we ask another for a mode of conduct; we seek teachers who will give us a way of life which will lead us to some hope, some happiness. So we are always, are we not, searching for some kind of dependence, security. Is it possible for the mind ever to free itself from this sense of dependence? Which does not mean that the mind must achieve independence; that is only the reaction to dependence. We are not talking of independence, of freedom from a particular state. If we can inquire without the reaction of seeking freedom from a particular state of dependence, then we can go much more deeply into it. We accept the necessity for dependence; we say it is inevitable. We have never questioned the whole issue at all, why each one of us seeks some kind of dependence. Is it not that we really, deep down, demand security, permanency? Being in a state of confusion, we want someone to get us out of that confusion. So, we are always concerned with how to escape or avoid the state in which we are. In the process of avoiding that state, we are bound to create some kind of dependence, which becomes our authority. If we depend on another for our security, for our inward well-being, there arise out of that dependence innumerable problems, and then we try to solve those problems; the problems of attachment. But we never question, we never go into the problem of dependence itself. Perhaps if we can really intelligently, with full awareness, go into this problem, then we may find that dependence is not the issue at all; that it is only a way of escaping from a deeper fact.

- J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life