Why do we, Humans, fight against each other in the Name of Religion?
Religion, in the accepted sense
of that word, has now become a matter of propaganda, of vested interest, with
much property, with a great hierarchical, bureaucratic system of `spirituality.
Religion has become a matter of dogma, belief and ritual, something which is
totally divorced from daily living. You may, or you may not, believe in God,
but that belief has very little meaning in daily life, where you cheat, where
you destroy, are ambitious, greedy, jealous, violent. You believe in God or in
a saviour, or in some guru, yet keep that far away so that it does not actually
touch your daily life.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam or Christianity, which are all
organized beliefs with their propaganda, conversion, proselytism, compulsion,
and so on. Is there any truth in organized religion? It may engulf, enmesh
truth, but the organized religion itself is not true. Therefore, organized
religion is false, it separates man from man. You are a Muslim, I am a Hindu,
another is a Christian or a Buddhist and we are wrangling, butchering each
other. The whole concept of religion is “not to question, not to doubt -
but to blindly believe texts written by other men” .
Religions throughout the world
now are utterly meaningless. We want to be entertained spiritually and so we go
to the church or the temple or the mosque and that has nothing whatsoever to do
with our daily sorrow, confusion and hatred. A man who is really serious, who
really wants to find out if there is something more than this terrible thing
called existence, must obviously be completely free from dogma, from belief,
from propaganda, he must be free from the structure in which he has been
brought up to be a religious man.
To be free to inquire, one must
be free from fear, from anxiety, from the desire to be psychologically secure. These are the obvious requirements for a very earnest
and serious person who wants to find out. The instrument that is capable of
inquiry is a mind that is clear, that has no distortions, or prejudice of
conclusion, of formula, or belief.
Anyone can interpret the Bible, the Torah, the Quran,
Bhagavad Gita , etc., ... After all, they are all just books - men wrote these
books, they did not fall from the sky or were delivered to the human kind. And
that's a fact.
Yet, somehow we let ourselves judge one another by quoting
them. The whole concept of religion is “not to question, not to doubt - but to
blindly believe texts written by other men” .
It is obvious to everyone I guess, that the whole purpose of
it is control.
By believing in a religion, and firmly stick to what it
says, one loses his/her spirit of inquiry and open mindedness.
Attachment to ones Religion make people think that they are
the only ones who are true. They claim that they have the absolute truth, that
everyone else who are not in their religion are 'lost' and will be damned for
eternity. They claim that they have God's words, and if anyone disagree with
them, then they're disagreeing with God Himself. They claim that their way is
the only true way, while the others are wrong. They even believe that in the
afterlife, God would ask man about what religion he was in instead of his deeds
during his life. If he had done countless deeds in his life, but didn't follow
this one religion, then all of it will be in vain. They view others badly,
always bad-mouthing other religions, like the Sunni Muslims here talking bad
about Christians, Jews, Shiites, Syrian
Orthodox, etc., claiming that they're all are against them and trying to make
them 'lost'. They always think bad about others. You can't have freedom of
thoughts and freedom of choices, that's for sure.
(Excerpts from Jiddu Krishnamurthy talks)