Friday, 29 July 2016

Paying Tributes

Paying Tributes 

We routinely observe in Social Media like Face Book, whatsapp etc., that on Birth & Death Anniversaries of great personalities like, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Abdul Kalam etc.,to name a few,  many postings highlighting their qualities, quotes, life styles they have adopted, the principles they have followed in their life time, etc., etc., Their would be number of likes for such posts & sharing & re-sharing of those posts.
We also, find the statues of our yester year leaders in every nook and corner of our cities, towns , villages.
Its great remembering them on their Birthday’s & Death Anniversaries of our great Men & Women, but how many of us truly follow the path or at least try to walk the path , they have shown. Most of us, just show lip service , not real service. We have become experts in giving “Expert Comments” on every subject on earth, but lacks the will to walk the path!
What are the  tribute’s , we pay to the great leaders ---- Garlanding their photo’s or statues, talk at lengths about their life and achievements , leave the place & forget all about it and routinely , & do exactly the opposite of what they have stood for all their life time.
Is this all  the “Tribute” or “Respects” we pay to the personalities , we pledge to “love” & “follow” , whenever their Birthday’s or Death Anniversaries are celebrated?
It’s high time,  we  stop such festivities , because , I feel it’s an insult , to all of them, we are indulging routinely .
The real tribute, if anyone pays, to the personalities we celebrate , is --- when we walk the path they have shown, in our lives, on a daily basis. Or at least make an attempt, in doing so. 

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