Monday, 17 December 2018


What is a prayer?

Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus and expect things from God. *Thinking positive and wishing good for others is a prayer.* When you hug a friend. *That's a prayer.* When you cook something to nourish family and friends. *That's a prayer.* When we send off our near and dear ones and say, 'drive safely' or 'be safe'. *That's a prayer.* When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy. *You are praying.* When you forgive someone by your heart. *That is prayer.* *Prayer is a vibration. A feeling. A thought. Prayer is the voice of love, friendship, genuine relationships. Prayer is an expression of your silent being.* Keep praying always... Stay Blessed.

I did not choose

I did not choose my Birth, My parents did, but still took birth!
I didn't choose my name, My parents choose, but still am attached to it!
I didn't choose my religion, my birth into my family did it, but still accepted it and attached to it,  without questioning!
I didn't choose to go to school, My parents choose, I followed!
I didn't choose my profession, Circumstances decided it, I followed!
Married,  raised a family as per the societal norms and also to satisfy personal, social and psychologiacal needs and aspirations.
Most of the time you never realize , you are living the life that is choosen by people around you and not your original Choice.
Nobody raised any objections or raised doubts for all the above , because it was normal.
When ,ultimately, I  'choose' to be myself and become 'free' from the choices being made on behalf of me, the world raised eyebrows and questioned my 'choice'.
The world around you always want  you to conform to it, at all costs. Very few around you encourage questioning the norm. Anyone, who questions the norm is branded weird, thereby killing the natural Inquiry nature of the individual.
But, it is never too late to realize and come out of the cage one is in and experience the real happiness, peace and freedom.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018


Cease listening to what is being heard,
Listen to what is hearing instead!
Then listening will become what is hearing,
And hearing will be what is heard.

Cease looking at what is being seen,
Look at what is seeing instead!
Then looking will become what is seeing,
And seeing will be what is seen.

Cease seeking the sought of the seeker,
Seek what is seeking instead!
Then seeking will become what is searching,
And searching will be what is sought.

Cease cognising what is objective,
Turn sentience back on itself!
Cognising will become what is cognising,
And perceiving will be the perceived.

Leave sound unheard,
And 'hearing' hear instead,
For hearing lives,
But sound, as such, is dead


Friday, 16 November 2018

Realizing Non-Duality

All our lives are a series of experiences. Every experience is different from every other experience. Experiences come & go. Each experience has two parts, a changing part & an unchanging part. Objects of experiences are changing and the awareness of all the experiences is the unchanging part.
Dreams come when one is asleep. Mind generates dreams. But the unchanging awareness is still there in the background. The same awareness is there in the waking life and in  dream state.
Deep sleep is not the absence of experience, it's an experience of absence. Deep sleep is not unconsciousness. It is consciousness without an object of consciousness. It's a container which is empty.
In all the three states of daily existence, waking , dreaming & Deep sleep , one thing is common, that is the unchanging awareness . Because of which through the mind & sense organs , we experience the waking world. Because of which through the mind & sense organs , we experience the dream world. Because of which when mind & sense organs are shut down in Deep sleep , we experience the blankness. That unchanging consciousness is who you are. Not this waking body, body is physical. You are not a body with awareness. You are the awareness in which body is experiencing. You are the unchanging awareness in which the body is experiencing. Same is the case in dream and Deep sleep.
You the consciousness neither appears nor disappears, like the sun , it neither rises nor goes down, it's just an illusion created by the rotation of the earth.
The gist of  a talk by Swami Sarvapriyananda on Realizing Non-Duality .